Optimising communication in teams: A model

Have you ever found yourself in a seemingly endless meeting, silently wishing it could have been a concise email? I’m sure many of us have experienced this and I know I have.

I’ve been working with leaders of hybrid teams, to enhance communication within their teams. Through this work, I’ve crafted a model that identifies the most effective communication style—be it asynchronous, synchronous or a combination—to achieve the best outcomes.

Leaders can use this model to gauge the necessary level of discussion required before making decisions, ultimately guiding them to select the ideal communication method.

Make sure people are clear on what the decision making process is going to be before entering into any discussion.

Some definitions

Asynchronous Communication

Communication where messages, information, or interactions do not occur in real-time. Instead, participants send and receive messages or data at their own convenience. Examples include email, discussion forums, and document sharing platforms.

Synchronous Communication

Real-time interaction where participants engage in conversations or exchanges immediately. It requires all parties to be present simultaneously. Examples include video conferencing, instant messaging, and voice calls.

Some examples

Low Discussion – I DecideJust send the email letting people know what your decision is.
High Discussion – I DecideHave a real time discussion with your team and then let them know the decision through a method they can read when they are ready. Make sure you let you team know that you will be making the final decision before the conversation starts.
Low Discussion – We DecideDistribute all the information about the decision first and then bring people together to make the decision in real time. People have read the information and come prepared with some questions and then be ready to make a decision. Make sure the group know how the decision will be made before starting discussion.
High Discusison – I DecideInvite everyone to real time meeting and work through the options before deciding. Make sure the group know how the decision will be made before starting discussion.